Friday, March 05, 2010

Catching Up... with Me

Well it's not what I wanted to say but I have to share some updates so I can carry on blogging on other topics.

About the exhibition, I'm not sharing because I want to include a review and some photos so that will have to wait a bit.

My thesis, I found a CEO of an HRM company and will help me find answers to my study, insha allah.

My atelier, I'm spending about 6 hours per day and I just love it there. Today, my friend R came and helped me in loading the kiln. still have two more shelves and numbers of plates and stuff to add. I'm very excited about the glaze testing I'm doing. Let's pray the results will be satisfying. The girls pieces are already in the kiln and they made two full shelves. I hope their work will be nice.

The nabog tree is amazing this year. There's a carpet of nabog on the floor due to the windy weather we're having. But now the weather is getting hotter and worms started to eat the fruit from inside :S
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It rained for two days and Sharjah's streets went horrible. It rained on the same day I went to my Calligraphy teacher's exhibition. Will share more about that but check this photo of the next day!
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Two more cats came to the scene. One of them is black and I call "him" Fury Furry but this is the other cat's photo.
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What else? my health? Thanks God I'm feeling great nothing is annoying me other then my morning allergy.

oh and my sister shared a picture on Facebook, of us and our neighbor in Baghdad. The photo was taken in 1989. what a horrible photo :|

oh oh and I'm participating in another exhibition next April insha Allah

I guess that's all for now
and I'll be back to share more :)

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Blogger 晴天 said...

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3/06/2010 11:57 AM  
Blogger David said...

Congratulations on finding a CEO willing to help you! I hope you learn some interesting things for your thesis.

It sounds like you have been very productive in your studio. I hope to see some pictures of your finished plates soon. :) Who are the girls you refer to? Do you have some pottery students working with you?

I still think that nabogs look like potatoes. ;)

The streets of Sharjah seem to flood easily. Are there no storm drains to remove the water? I hope you will not be washed away!

Nice looking cat. :) There will be a cat show in Indianapolis this weekend. I may go to see all the fancy breeds.

I'm glad you are feeling healthy. Best wishes that you continue feeling well.

Can you send me a link to the picture your sister posted? I would like to see little Attawie. :)

Take care.

3/06/2010 12:12 PM  
Blogger attawie said...

Thanks David

The outcome of the firing was satisfying but the testes ended up into a really big disaster that I'm still working on what went wrong with the new clay.

The girls I refer to are some bloggers and friends who come to my atelier to learn to do some handmade ceramic pieces. I gave some classes and now they are coming regularly. and I opened the door of my atelier for some colleague from the institute came so they can work too.

About UAE and drains, my explanation is: they are cities built in the desert so there's no need for drains. but as cities grown bigger and more sophisticated streets where built, now the water is stuck and there's no where to go. the drain system is very poor or does not exist at places.

I'm not sure about sharing the photo of little attawie, not sure if i'm shy or just still feel horrified from the number of comment on that photo. I don't share photos on facebook even with relatives and close friends so it was something that i was tagged in a photo :|

take care :)

3/13/2010 2:51 PM  
Anonymous Angela Crosby said...

You certainly had a lot of things happened in 2010. I think one of the greatest events you can call at the year was finding someone to help you out with your thesis. Well, everybody really need a thesis help, especially if the information you need to write your thesis can only be found at a certain place.

6/26/2013 10:59 AM  

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