Saturday, October 22, 2005

An Art Course

I know I have been away for a while but it's and only Ramadan nor our moving to a new apartment but I'm taking a two months art course. I thought of it first as way so as not to waste my time and second because everybody says I'm talented. I believe I have talent but I need to increase my ability.

I had always liked painting and playing with mud and such things but I thought every child and eventually every one likes to do so. But I never bragged I painted something good or sculptured a face or so. My family and friends noticed I am gifted and encouraged me to keep on.

As I am doing nothing in UAE except thinking, not even trying, to get a job and waiting for a scholarship; I decided to take this course. I am taking 5 hours a week painting, 3h sculpturing, 3h ceramic, 3h graphics and one hour History of Art.
I'm enjoying the classes and doing great.

In painting we are still working with graphite (pencils) sketching shapes and their shadows. Tomorrow we'll hopefully start to draw still nature. I like painting class so far.

In sculpturing we are just shaping whatever we want. The whole class started to make bodies and most of them women but for me I sculptured a head. I thought it looked like my cousin who I haven't seen since 1994 I think but who ever sees it says it looks like Saddam Hussein! Shocking, right?

I hated ceramic first because the mud is different from the one we use in sculpturing. It's a lot harder. And the instructor asked us to do a silly basket by making robs and then put them on an oval-base mud. My basket was the best. I even made some flowers to put in it.

I just want to add something here. I'm not bragging about my talent but those who are with me in the course are Indians and only 3 Arab girls. Most of them lack the sense of beauty.


Blogger Morbid Smile said...

Hey girl, I'm glad that you are enjoying the new class. Wish you the best.

A head looks like Saddam!! How can that be.

And hey don't foget to make me a statue once you master sculptering it! And with the new NOSE of course!!


10/22/2005 3:50 PM  
Blogger attawie said...

new nose... I'll think about it ;)
of course I will.

10/23/2005 2:25 PM  
Blogger A. Damluji said...

what's in a nose?

10/24/2005 5:50 PM  

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