Thursday, April 29, 2010


*stretching her fingers*

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n :O
so the keyboard does type still!

April has come and almost gone. What excuse do I have for not posting? Well, I'm not sure if that's an excuse but there's someone in my life who's taking all my attention (almost all). And no it's not KJ! It's this cute little thing with the title "atta's niece". Such a lovable baby. I just love her.

She's five months and couple of days old. Started to eat mashed vegetables and biting the best biscuit I've ever tastes, alone with Cerelak. She just started the addiction of swallowing her hand. and recently discovered she can move her feet in a circular way. When she's sleepy she draw her hands closer to her face and keep staring at them until she falls asleep. Oh and she just had her first haircut!

I've been babysitting her for a while now and she's organized better me! She knows when it's milk time and when it's other meals time. She knows that she wants to be put in bed to sleep for her bedtime.

Since my teen days I've always loved spending time with kids and I know how to entertain them. But this baby girl is different. Is it because I'm her aunt or is she special. That's something I wouldn't care much about.

I hope I can post photos of her. I guess I'll have to take a permission from her parents.

That's all for now :)

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